Strength Training for Strong Bones

As we age we lose the ability to build bone, therefore our bone mass will naturally decrease unless we do something to maintain / preserve or increase our bone mass. Strength training offers a solution by strengthening your bones which reduces the risk of osteopenia, osteoporosis and fractures (which can often occur because of the later).Bone is living tissue. If you put pressure on it and make it work it has the ability to adapt and become stronger. When we strength train our muscles apply tension to our bones making them adapt to this force by becoming stronger and increasing in density.Lifting heavy weights (as per the photo) is one way to strength train but even using lighter weights, resistance...

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Meet Girls Who Lift Founder Abi Hardy

We thought we'd write a quick introduction about Abi Hardy for those who haven’t met her in person…Abi started Girls Who Lift classes over 8 years ago to help inspire and encourage women to love the joy of lifting weights. Realising many women felt intimidated in the weight section of gyms, she started Girls Who Lift to create a welcoming class to educate and coach women how to lift weights with a focus on technique and progressive overload. Abi’s classes welcome women of all levels and she strives to reassure even new members that there’s always options for every exercise regardless of their strength or current capabilities.Due to the success of the classes, Abi launched her Girls Who Lift range targeted at...

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Who Should Lift Weights?

💪WHO SHOULD LIFT WEIGHTS?💪 Ever wondered if weight training is for you? 🤔 Lifting weights is suitable for those who… 🔥 Want to feel strong! Not only in the gym but mentally strong too! (Feeling strong is great and it’s also quite handy whilst getting through every day life!) 🔥Want to change their body composition. Lifting weights can help build muscle (tone up) whilst reducing body fat.  🔥Want to help protect against muscle loss as they age. It happens to us all! As they say… use it or lose it! Let’s keep strong and mobile! 💪 🔥Want to do a form of exercise which they can see visible progress doing - not only will you see your body shape change...

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Glute Band Workout

🍑GLUTE BAND WORKOUT🍑 Here’s a glute band workout for you to try! The rep ranges are given as a guide, take note how you feel and make sure you can feel your glutes working on every rep. This workout can be done as a short stand alone workout or at the end of a workout to target your glutes. You could even do one round before going for a run to make sure your glutes are firing! 🏃🏼‍♀️  Girls Who Lift glute bands available on this website! 2 sizes available.  Workout: 🔥 10-15 x Banded single leg glute bridge  🔥 15-20 x Side lying leg raises (each side) 🔥 20-30 x Banded feet elevated glute bridges with 3 sec hold...

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2022 News Year's Resolutions for the Gym

🔥 2022 Resolutions - What Are Yours?🔥 With a new year comes new resolutions & fresh motivation. Health and fitness are often featured as key priorities on the list! Here’s some suggestions I wanted to make to help improve your goals…⭐️ Be realistic - aiming to work out an hour per day every day of the week is often too ambitious especially if you’re just starting out. If you’re a beginner to the gym aim for 2-3 times per week to start with. Get into a routine and schedule workouts in your diary. Make them non-negotiable! ⭐️ Focus on your gym goals and your weight goals will follow. Try focussing on a performance goal eg. do a pull up, do...

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